HARS - High value information Alert and Reporting System

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HARS - How It Works

Basic System Functionality Description

HARS makes extensive use of off-the-shelf hardware and software. HARS is unique in how the hardware and software are integrated into a system providing specific functionality, in an infrastructure that uniquely supports that specific functionality. Previously shown are some of the many diagrams defining specific operational functionality for different parts of the system. It was not intended for each step to be illustrated through these diagrams, but rather to convey that HARS is an extremely well-developed and comprehensive system.

On the right is a HARS Basic System Functional Overview, which will be used to describe the HARS infrastructure from a functional and operational perspective. Each fundamental step is shown as a block in the flow diagram, with some of the characteristics for each block shown on the right and left of each block. Please be advised that this is an elemental, basic description and is NOT intended to provide detailed descriptions and explanations. However, it is appropriate to inform you that there are many more levels of detail beyond the brief descriptions presented herein.

Information Acquisition
There is a plethora of information (BIG DATA) that currently exists in the public domain and an overwhelming amount of information (more BIG DATA) that exists in private companies and in government databases. HARS does not intend to generate new information, but through cooperative agreements, take full-advantage of existing information. In general, HARS information can be categorized into different groups, the main ones are identified here.

Bad Guys
Bad Guy information is contained in a tremendous number of discrete databases at all levels in the local, state, and federal government, as well as in private company databases. HARS has a specific interest in acquiring as much of this information as possible and particularly wants to obtain non-traditional information on the Bad Guys, specifically information related to human behavior and behavioral patterns.

Public Service
There are a number of different government agencies and private organizations who are deeply committed and involved in missions for the good of our society. Missing and exploited children, Amber Alerts, Silver Alerts, human trafficking, are just a few of the areas of interest. In each one of these, getting information out to the public and getting information back from the public are common concerns for each of these agencies and organizations. They all have their own databases of information on their specific areas of interest. Each effort tends to be isolated. Each is a potential source of information for HARS. Each agency and organization has a vested interest in providing information to HARS.

The HARS infrastructure is uniquely suited to provide a medium to disseminate advertising on a “Targeted Information Delivery” basis. The specific advertising information that is to be delivered is maintained in a “smart database” and is used as one of the information inputs in the HARS data processing system.

Business Relationships
One of the features of HARS is the “Extended Infrastructure”. This is comprised of HARS-owned infrastructure elements and information display, multi-modal display methods. Each of the non-HARS owned infrastructures which has entered into an agreement with HARS will have an individual, unique business relation with specifications on how information is to be disseminated and displayed. HARS will seek multiple relationships with many different companies that have their own network – and there are many, many and they are growing rapidly in number. Therefore, as HARS grows and the extended infrastructure expands, the effectiveness of HARS increases and the interest in a cooperative relationship with HARS will grow, expand, and be extended. All the business relationships will be maintained in a HARS database and will be used in the HARS data processing algorithms.

Data Processing/Data Mining/Predictive Analytics
Please note: Information will be provided in the HARS PowerPoint presentation.

Playlist Generation
Please note: Information will be provided in the HARS PowerPoint presentation.

Information Distribution To Expanded Infrastructure
Please note: Information will be provided in the HARS PowerPoint presentation.

Reporting – The Human Element
Please note: Information will be provided in the HARS PowerPoint presentation.

Report, Investigate, & Apprehend
Please note: Information will be provided in the HARS PowerPoint presentation.

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A Communications Operations Center EXAMPLE

A tour of the Fox News Desk conducted by Shepard Smith. The re-engineered capability of the Fox News Desk is an example of embracing the new world of communications. It illustrates a Communications Operations Center (COC) which is very similar to the HARS COC and is a model to guide the implementation of the HARS COC.

The new Fox News Desk incorporates the new world of communications to achieve a new way for news to be presented to the public. Please note it has bi-laterial communications -- in the acquisition of information and the “push” or delivery of information to the public. This is very analogous to HARS. The difference is that HARS uses a much greater number of information sources to acquire information; and most significantly, a much, much, much greater number of resources are incorporated in the delivery of information to the public and to other specialized agencies, many, whose very function relies on the acquisition of timely, detailed information.

You are encouraged to watch the Fox video to see an example of how the HARS Communications Operation Center might look and function, albeit on a smaller scale. VitaStar Solutions commends Fox News on their bold step forward in communications and the management of important information. An obvious similarity between HARS and the Fox News Desk is the integration of Social Networking into the communications process.

Below are some of the FOX team members who created the new world of communications, News Desk and brought it to fruition. Shepard Smith is the lead in using this new capability.

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Near-Ubiquitous Communications

Communications technology has changed and the way we communicate has dramatically changed in recent years. Where communications was once very structured (phone calls, postal mail, emails), it has now become very diverse with the advent of smartphones, video calls, and the many social networking communications options (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Apple’s Facetime, Skype, Snapchat, Instagram, Whisper, Secret, Frankly, Telegram, and others).

The “new world of communications” has the characteristic of, “I want to communicate my way, when I want, how I want, and any time I want”. When reach, frequency, accessibility, usability, and immediacy are important attributes of an operational system, that system must be designed for the “new world of communications”. It has been reported by CNN that more Americans get their news from the Internet than from newspapers or the radio. This re-enforces the notion of the importance of integrating Internet-based communications with traditional methods of communications.

One of the main features of the High value information Alert and Reporting System, HARS, is that it incorporates and integrates the many means of communications as illustrated in the HARS diagram shown above. It infuses the traditional means of communications with the social media communications into a unified communications capability to facilitate the rapid acquisition and delivery of information with the public, the Human Element in HARS. When the public has “eyes-on” of a Bad Guy, response time is more than important, it is critical. HARS is sensitive to this essential requirement and as a consequence, it has been a major design objective in our system. To get a better understanding of the new world of communications and how the HARS Multi-function Call Center might look, watch the tour of the Fox News Desk on the left. Also germane is the "New Style of IT, which is addressed by two industry leaders in the box to the far left.